Here you’ll find an overview of the speakers confirmed for OS25, representing key voices in organic farming and sustainability.

OS25 brings together inspiring speakers from across the world, each contributing unique insights into the future of organic farming and sustainability. This list includes those who have already confirmed their participation, with more names to be announced as we approach the event. 

Connie Hedegaard, Former Danish minister for climate and environment, and EU Climate Commissioner.

Peter Sisseck, Winemaker and environmentalist, DK and Spain

Jacob Jensen, The Danish Minister for agriculture

Claus Felby, Vice president Biotech, Novo Nordisk Foundation

Anna Lappé, Executive Director and author, Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Philip Lymbery, CEO, Compassion in World Farming

Esben Lunde Larsen, Senior Agricultural Specialist, The World Bank and former Danish Minister for agriculture

Lasse Bruun, Director, Climate & Food, UN Foundation

Dr. Robert Mbeche, Director, Food Program, World Resources Institute Africa

Mwatima Juma, Chair, Tanzania Organic Agricultural Movement

Ronnie Bratwaite, Senior Agriculture Officer, PhD, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO

Betina Bergmann Madsen, Public Food Procurement Expert & Team Lead for Strategic Procurement and Food, the Municipality of Copenhagen

Helmy Abouleish, CEO at Sekem, The biodynamic agriculture community, Egypt

Renate Künast, former German minister og Agriculture

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Rikke Lundsgaard

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