OS25 is held simultaneously to Denmark taking over the EU Presidency in the second half of 2025. The EU goal for organics is a 25 percent share of the acreage and the market by 2030 – a great ambition that Denmark shares.
The Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU will present some of its key findings at OS25.
OrganicTargets4EU is the multinational scientifically based strategy to achieving the EU organic goals by 2030.
IFOAM EU will host its European Organic Congress (EOC) in conjunction with OS25. The EOC is held every year in the respective country of the EU presidency and IFOAM EU has organized the EOC for well over 20 years.
Copenhagen Cooking, an annual gastronomic event throughout Copenhagen, takes place at the same time as OS25. It is organized by Food Organization of Denmark, one of our partners. Copenhagen Cooking leans strongly on organic food.

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